White Feather Yoga


A practice that encourages compassion for what is, rather than what has been or what will be in the future. An opportunity to tap into Sensory Awareness for full embodiment. A practice that is just that, a practice. It is not yoga perfect. Everybody is different with their own needs and proportions; therefore every posture will look, and most importantly FEEL different for every person.

White Feather Yoga is a conscious, breath-centered, physical, and energetic alignment-based, slow flow, that provides an opportunity to listen to your inner wisdom and notice the activity of the mind. Whether you are a gentle beginner or a seasoned practitioner. The practical application of meditation is an integral part of every practice, and the foundation of a spiritual, therapeutic, and somatic practice experience.

Private Yoga Session

Meet the needs of your body with the support of expertise and sensitivity. Whether you are healing from an injury, would like to fine-tune your practice, or have a ‘class’ designed for your practice at home. This is a wonderful way to delve deep into body alignment, mechanics, breathwork, meditation, and asana. 60-minute session/with email summary sent.

When we can be still and in the silence of the brain, there is the opportunity for Magic or Sruti, direct experience, and knowing. We just have to slow down enough to listen.

Private Shamanic Yoga-an Energetic Reset

Sessions are tailored to meet the needs of your mind body and spirit. Part hands-on, discussion, coaching, tools, guided by your words, your energy, and your intentions. Postures are chosen to support the client’s needs to help open the energy centers and meridians in the body; energy/chakra clearing, advanced energy healing, and resetting. Sound bath.

Yoga/Equine-Assisted Medicine


Equus Union

A Modern, Comprehensive Healing Platform. For you and your horse, and for non-Equestrians. What is the language of your body and mind communicating to the horse and the world? Let the Equus be your guide.

Yoga, on the Mat, and Horseback for the unique needs of the Equestrian Body and Mind, Specializing in Anxiety for Performance or Pleasure. Unifying horse and rider through awareness of energy, body, and the mind. For our Equine partners to perform at their optimum, we must be accountable for what we bring to our horses in our bodies and minds. Be balanced, strong, supple, and calm.

Meditation with the Equus, be inspired by the Language of the Equus. Advanced energy medicine, Women’s Women’s Circles, Holistic Horsemanship, and Consciousness practices in Energy Accountability for horse handlers and for those wishing to learn more about themselves.

Your horse. Is there something happening that you are uncertain of? Energy healing for your horse. A blend of spiritual, Advanced Energy Healing, Shamanic Reiki, and communication. Supporting difficult transitions, perhaps you are wondering if it is time for your horse or pet to cross over or you are grieving the loss of a pet. Could you allow me to guide you through this transition? I would be honored.

Equine Assisted Women’s Wisdom Circle

The Equus are alchemists. They provide a supportive energetic container as we come together to allow ones’ wisdom to shine. The mission of the Wisdom Circle is to invite one back to their place of knowing.

Along the way, we have been distracted by life. By doing, producing, and working. This Circle is the time to step back from DOing and into Being within a community. Part workshop, part introspective, partly led, we will spend our time together in non-judgment…..as we find compassion for the parts of ourselves that have kept us from being fully home. Gifting ourselves time to reflect, move, wonder, and receive the gifts that nature, stillness, and community have to offer and empower us to find our hOMe within.

With Conscious Movement, Meditation, Philosophy, Self Reflection, Nature, Advanced Energy Healing Practices, Shamanism, and inspired by the Equus we return. Participants will experience, and receive tools to help them live in harmony with themselves.

YOGA: On Horseback

Postures and breath work to help you connect to your horse in the saddle. This curriculum improves riders' coordination, communication, and increases core and upper back strength to stay ‘light in the saddle’. Increases flexibility in the spine and pelvis to keep the body strong, and supple. If we lack flexibility in our hips and spine, this limits the fluid movement in our horse. Postures will bring a deeper connection in your seat and a deeper awareness of your horse. Techniques to reduce stress in the body and mind, benefit trail rides or competition, but most importantly your equine partner, as when you reduce anxiety and calm your mental chatter, your horse will be able to hear your whispers. Your Equine partner will have fuller movement. A more relaxed demeanor and your body will no longer be dictating their imbalance. If we have any tension in our minds, this energy translates to our bodies. This tension will affect your horse. Perhaps head shaking, chomping at the bit, jogging, lack of fluidity, spooking, or perhaps your transitions could use some work. When we are out of balance, our horse is as well.

No yoga experience is necessary. All riding disciplines are welcome. 45 and 90-minute sessions are available to meet your individual needs. Package and group rates are available. Our horse is our partner and is not used as a tool to perform acrobatic postures, but an opportunity to apply postures to deepen our connection, both physically and mentally.

YOGA: on the MAT

A comprehensive practice created for the unique needs of the Equestrian Body and Mind. Postures bring strength, flexibility, and fluidity to the body to prepare you for your rides and to help you stay healthy for the long run. -No Yoga experience necessary. 4 Class series-Upper/lower body/Full body/the Mind-On-demand Video Library

“I have to tell you that I used the breathing technique for downward canter transitions in my lesson this week. The wonderful schoolmaster I rode SO appreciated the subtle cue instead of closing my fingers. Woo hoo!!!!” KR Life long Equestrian

Monica’s class helped me connect with the energetic and subtle aspects of my yoga practice that instill connection, and awareness in my riding. I felt like I was given useful adjustments that I will carry forward into my practice. Because I ride many different horses, I appreciated her notion of “plugging in” to your mount through the lower half of your body, and taking a moment to hold space and empathetically experience the animal underneath you.
— D. Bak Competitor for Collegiate Equestrian Team, Yoga Teacher

PRIVATES- You and Your Horse: In & out of the saddle, supporting Transitions, Advanced Energy Medicine

Balance your imbalances under the guidance of intuitive, knowledgeable eyes. The session may include but is not limited to, postural alignment, strength, and flexibility via yogic philosophy and Advanced energetic Attunement. By getting to the root of the imbalance you may find true union. Which one of you has the imbalance? Who is holding who back? Is it a physical or a mental hiccup? Is something just off and you are not sure what it is? What is your horse saying? 50/80 min sessions/Recommended 50 min/follow-up hands-on session for your horse. (see below)

TRANSITIONS: Private sessions

Are never easy. Maybe it is a move, a new horse, or helping your beloved transition to the spirit realm. I would be honored and humbled to support you both emotionally and physically as you navigate uncharted waters. Special circumstances require special accommodations. Sessions include but are not limited to: Spiritual Counsel, intuitive communication, and advanced energy medicine. Please reach out to discuss options for your unique situation.

ADVANCED & Shamanic ENERGY MEDICINE-For your Horse

A healing session for your amazing horse. Often times horses will communicate that they need some energy healing. Perhaps no matter what you have done, something is still not right. Perhaps there is a spot that aches, that is stuck, or that they need something different from you…. Our horses have things to say, they have needs and are angels and deserve the best we can give them. Traditional horsemanship ways are being questioned for good reason. Many ‘ways’ are about bullying the horse into submission. Bigger bits, spurs, and tighter nosebands. How can you work with your horse to get the most out of your experience with them? Can you let me listen to what they have to say? Perhaps it is an energetic adjustment that needs to happen….And how can you help them? The session combines intuitive communication, hands-on energy healing, stretching, and massage. 50/80 min sessions- In person or virtual.

ENERGY ACCOUNTABILITY- Workshop for horse handlers, barn owners, and those wishing to understand themselves more.

Be responsible for the Energy that you bring to working around and handling horses. This is an amazing workshop for riders, barn owners, and staff, And those of you who just want to understand what your body, mind, and energy are saying to your horse. If you are nervous, irritated, tentative, or fearful, this energy is projected no matter how good you think you are at covering it up. Escalated energy can be perceived as dangerous to your horse. This can create dangerous situations. But what to do about it?! In this workshop, one will learn ‘Energy Accountability’. And you will become acquainted with the energy you bring to the barn and working around the horses. How to notice when energy shifts-it usually begins in your brain. You will learn what energy you are projecting and how to control your energy and breathe. Lecture, demonstration, and participation to help bring depth to your body awareness, and tools for practical application. This work is monumental and increases the safety and well-being of all horses and handlers. Workshop 10-15 persons/1.5 hours or Private/Small groups 50-80 mins

MEDITATION with Horses-An experience

Be a horse. The horse uses its senses to survive. Be inspired by the horses’ way of being to learn and practice meditation based in sensory awareness. Tap into the magical energy field of the Equus, see what makes them unique, and FEEL a new you. Journal prompts and Meditation techniques. Leave with applicable tools to help you come back to center.

One SUNDAY of every month with Belle & Mojave-click class schedule link for sign up OR host at your barn with your horses


Practice with our Healing Herd, barefoot, in the paddocks, on your mats. Find a new vantage point, perspective, nature, and love of yoga. Enjoy learning about how your energy affects those around you. At Michtan Farm, a private barn in Lenox Ma., offered throughout the seasons or HOST at your Barn/Facility

Reach out to discuss which session will best meet your needs.


Advanced Energy Healing

Intuitive/Divine/Shamanic Reiki

Spiritual Alchemy

Discover Your Truth | Live in Freedom

We are Energy. Thought is Energy. Our body is Energy. Our body holds the energy of our thoughts and traumas. Trauma becomes ‘stored’ and ‘collected’ in our organs and tissue. A true road map of our lives’ events energetically projecting out to the world. If uncleared, either verbally or energetically, can result in dis-ease (anxiety, depression, and perhaps something physical). Our energy projection (thoughts/physical energy) is what we think and feel. Often times more of the same finds us in thoughts and actions, other people and situations. Our ancestral and karmic past is also stored in our cellular memory. Often dictating our unconscious actions. Advanced Energy Healing is a powerful practice supported by seen and unseen energy, firmly rooted in deep tradition and evolutionary practices. Release the energy that no longer serves you, so that you can move forward in liberation, strength, clarity, and passion to be fully you. Sessions are private in the sanctuary of our home studio or barn.

Advanced Energy Healing-Shamanic Reiki- Privates & Group Workshops

For those wishing to step into the truth and delve into the root causes is discomfort. Sessions combine practical healing modalities, such as Discussion, Somatic and therapeutic Movement, with Advanced Energy Healing and Ancient Wisdom of Shamanic Healing to help bring balance to the energy in the body and mind. As the body is the map of the brain. Sessions are tailored to meet the individual needs of the client and may include but are not limited to; Chakra clearing, Energy Clearing and balancing, Chord Cutting, Soul Retrieval, Journeys, Divine and Angelic Healing, Life Coaching, and Nutrition, Sound baths.

Energetic Reset Yoga sessions are tailored to meet the needs of your mind body and spirit. Hands-on, discussion, coaching, tools, guided by the moment, Sruti-direct knowing. Postures are held to help open up the energy centers and meridians in the body; energy clearing, and resetting.

Often new habits are invited into your life. As we invite old habits to disintegrate. As always this session may be a catalyst for the healing that you welcome.

Workshops: Be in the presence of like-minded individuals, to witness and support your courage & evolution, as you do the same for them. Workshops are seasonal and allow one to have time to reflect in a supportive setting.

House Clearing & Property Clearing & Barn clearing

Available for your home, office, and property or barn. Perhaps you have just purchased a new home and would like the energy cleared and the space blessed. Perhaps you feel that there is something heavy or off about a space or land and are just not sure. Maybe your animals are acting odd or ill. If you know that there has been past trauma in a space it is wise to clear that away so that you may begin fresh and new with purity. Feel free to reach out with any questions. Invaluable investment.

Sacred Ceremonies & Gatherings

Rites of passage and giving these moments their importance are a part of tradition and growth. Whether it is a special birthday, coming of age, marking a birth or death, a move, or a Sacred Union of two People, Ceremonies are created with you and for you. Monica specializes in creating comprehensive, unique experiences.

Shamanic Reiki with Belle & Mojave

Equine Assisted Medicine

The energy of the Horse just is. There is no hiding. They see things as they are. They will show you things about yourself if you are willing to listen and move forward with the courage to be open to change. We are here to assist.

Belle is Magic
— D. Client

A previous Wild Mustang’s energy is some of the purest energy you will ever be gifted to be with. If you have ever been in the presence of a horse, you know that they are special. Perhaps you don’t have words. Most people don’t. To quote Winston Churchill, “There is something about the outside of a Horse that is good for the inside of a man.” (or woman) There is a magic balm with a horse that makes everything better. Everything seems to fade away and one finds truth in being present with and around horses. One of the most unique things about a horse is the size of their heart. The energy field of a horse extends 7 to 8 times around the diameter of their body. So when you are in that field, your body can energetically sense the heartbeat of the horse and begin to attune. This is called Heart coherence. A horse doesn’t lie, especially Belle. She will show me exactly where the energy in your body is holding on even if you ‘say’ otherwise. She will show me certain behavioral clues that have meaning. Sometimes being in the presence of a non-critical, objective, pure being allows one to open up more fully, to allow healing to take place. The walls come down for an experience of shedding, releasing and bliss to be held by Belle, the energy alchemist.

Shamanic Reiki with Belle & Mojave

Bring balance to the energetic systems in the body. Allow Belle, Co-facilitator, to help you bring awareness to sensations in your body and thoughts in your mind. Horses are mirrors to our own energy which allows us to see with clarity and authenticity. Horses are a little bit of magic and when we can exhale and feel supported in their presence our edges begin to dissolve. You are held by the herd in safety and truth.

Advanced Energy Healing Sessions will vary and be based on meeting the individual needs of the client and may include but are not limited to; Chakra clearing, Energy Clearing and balancing, Chord Cutting, Soul Retrieval, Journeys, Divine and Angelic Healing, Life Coaching, Nutrition. We will work directly with Belle in the paddock.



Creativity Workshops

Discover/Inspire/CreateWorkshops are designed to help one uncover and discover what lies beneath the surface when tapping into a creative source. An opportunity to express our truths, in a safe and nurturing environment, with out inhibitions, in a format that invites uninhibited expression. Meditation tools and journal writing are the catalyst to creativity. This is an opportunity to work with multiple mediums while learning about the principles of art and design and specific techniques to allow your work to be an external expression of your inner landscape.

Art and Creativity have been a part of every ancient culture. They were inexplicably interwoven into everyday life. The line between function and creativity blurred. In our modern world we rarely allow ourselves to create. When we allow ourselves to create we tap into space in the brain that is different than our mundane lists and left-brained organizing. Often times we tell ourselves that we are not ‘good’ enough, ‘creative’ enough or have been scared off of even trying to create, as often the reply that I hear is ‘I can’t draw.’ Creating is about just that. Creating. Not the product.

These workshops are designed to help one uncover and discover what lies beneath the surface when one experiences liberation to tap into their creative source. A different way to access the deep spaces in the brain that hold our truths. With out inhibitions. Through gentle guidance and in a sacred, supportive container, meditation tools and journal writing are the catalyst to creativity. Regardless of medium, one is able to learn a new form of expression and creative outlet with a variety of mediums. This is a wonderful practice for the experienced artist who needs some inspiration or for the emerging artist within.

It is the riders own focus and balance, her sense of clarity and stillness in the midst of activity, and her capacity to harmonize with the horse’s natural abilities that create the right conditions for such an impressive display of human-equine collaboration.
— Linda Kohanov, The Tao of the Equus
Immediately, I was struck with how calming Monica’s voice was, and how nonjudgmental and encouraging she is. She never tries to push you beyond your capabilities which is great for me as I am a novice at this. After a few classes I tried a one on one lesson with her in her studio. I learned how to breathe deeper than I had before. I continue to attend her class and it has been an ongoing learning experience. I highly recommend working with her, in a group environment or as an individual.
— Lloyd L.